Running to the doctor, and the pharmacy afterward, has become the norm for most health issues. If approached with common sense, however, many could be handled from home. Health ins't a right unless you fight for it.
I'm the Un-Druggist, a pharmacist disgusted with what commonly passes for health care today in the U.S. The truth about healthy living often conflicts with those common medical beliefs.
"Too Many People Take Too Many Drugs".
That's my motto based on over 3 decades of experience and study in pharmacy, ethics and philospohy. I sometimes refer to myself as a "recovering pharmacist", not meaning a problem with abuse. But over the years my awereness of the potential risks from drugs has incrased to the point where I could never work again in a "traditional" drugstore. I retain my license to practice, but I can never bring myself to participate in a process that I know in my heart is excessive, wrong-headed, and extremely dangerous.
My pharmacy is the driving force in the curbing the overuse and over-prescribing of cholesterol lowering drugs in the United States.
I live in Aurora, Illinois and enjoy shotgun sports, fine cigars, reading, and watching my grandchildren grow.